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Paperback - 08 November 2016
Kate, Lauren (Author)
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Every story has a dark side, and this story belongs to Cam, the brooding, bad-boy dark angel FALLEN readers love.

High school can be hell.

Cam knows what it's like to be haunted. He's spent more time in Hell than any angel ever should. And his freshest Hell is high school, where Lilith, the girl he can't stop loving, is serving out a punishment for his crimes.

Cam made a bet with Lucifer: he has fifteen days to convince the only girl who really matters to him to love him again. If he succeeds, Lilith will be allowed back into the world, and they can live their lives together. But if he fails . . . there's a special place in Hell just for him. Tick-tock.

Spread your wings and cry as bad boy dark angel Cam finally reveals his anguished heart in the epic FALLEN novel, UNFORGIVEN.

Customer Reviews

1 customer reviews Between 2−3 stars rating, 20 December 2021
By: Inez

In my opinion, this novella is better than the series. Maybe it's because I love Cam Briel's character, though it's lack of conflict and don't have a climax

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