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The Girl on the Train : A Novel

Paperback - 03 May 2016
Paula Hawkins(Author)
Paula Hawkins(Author)
Paula Hawkins(Author)
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The #1 New York Times Bestseller, USA Today Book of the Year, soon to be a major motion picture. The debut psychological thriller that will forever change the way you look at other people's lives. Nothing is more addicting than The Girl on the Train. Vanity Fair The Girl on the Train has more fun with unreliable narration than any chiller since Gone Girl. . . . [It] is liable to draw a large, bedazzled readership. The New York Times Marries movie noir with novelistic trickery. . . hang on tight. You'll be surprised by what horrors lurk around the bend. USA Today Like its train, the story blasts through the stagnation of these lives in suburban London and the reader cannot help but turn pages. The Boston Globe Gone Girl fans will devour this psychological thriller. People EVERY DAY THE SAME Rachel takes the same commuter train every morning and night. Every day she rattles down the track, flashes past a stretch of cozy suburban homes, and stops at the signal that allows her to daily watch the same couple breakfasting on their deck. She's even started to feel like she knows them. Jess and Jason, she calls them. Their life as she sees it is perfect. Not unlike the life she recently lost. UNTIL TODAY And then she sees something shocking. It's only a minute until the train moves on, but it's enough. Now everything's changed. Unable to keep it to herself, Rachel goes to the police. But is she really as unreliable as they say? Soon she is deeply entangled not only in the investigation but in the lives of everyone involved. Has she done more harm than good?

Customer Reviews

6 customer reviews Between 3−4 stars rating, 08 March 2018
A Different Mystery Thriller
By: Yunia Damayantii

4 stars is fair enough. This is my 2nd thriller & mystery book that I've ever read until the end. Previously, I've readThe Cuckoo's Calling, and honestly I felt like mystery & thriller is not my thing. But........ ... See More

style="color: rgb(0, 99, 93);" title="The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins">The Girl on the Train was different, well I have to watched the trailer first before I bought the book. Emily Blunt would be amazing Rachel, but, she's less fat than Rachel in the book. Uhm...Paula Hawkins was fooling me, once! Great job.

6 customer reviews Between 3−4 stars rating, 08 February 2018
Keep you on the edge of your seat
By: Stella Wenny

This is the kind of book that's so good it makes me envious, makes me wanting to be able to write a story like this. It started out a bit slow, but soon it's picking up pace and became so engaging I barely able to stop reading. All the characters are fucked-up people, I think that's one of the reasons why I love this. Though I find it quite distressing that almost all people are violent when they get angry. But I think that's because the author wanted the reader to suspect all people. Nobody can be trusted. Nobody is decent.

6 customer reviews Between 2−3 stars rating, 07 February 2018
Wow is all that I can say... I love this book!
By: Antonius B.

I read this book in one sitting. Now I know this book has been compared to other dark suspense novels, but this holds it's own. The story hooked me in pretty much from the beginning, and I could not put it down. I was up until nearly 2:00am trying to finish it before I passed out - only to dream about it and immediately pick it back up when I woke up the next day.

She becomes preoccupied with a couple she see's from the train. Their house, on the same street as her previous home. She even names them, she recreates what their day to day lives are like. She tries to imagine the passion they share - the love that they feel for one another. Perhaps imagining the love... See More

she and her husband once shared. It's sad... it's utterly depressing. But it was very real. The emotions that Rachel goes through, though her actions may not be the brightest, they're still very real. She's fragile in the most honest way.


6 customer reviews Between 3−4 stars rating, 28 December 2017
Smartly Written
By: Nessa Theo

The Girl on The Train has a unique way in telling its story. The story is told in multiple points of views, brilliant timeline, and it revolves around one night where everything changes. So, Rachel, a depressed woman who rides the train every single day had a blackout on one Saturday night. The next day, she wakes up naked with bruises on her body, and she doesn't remember anything about what happened that night. The cops visit her and she is somehow a suspect regarding the missing of Megan. A girl she sees from the train every day. Thus, the story from Rachel's point of view moves forward.

The story is also told in Megan's point of view, and her point of view started a year before that night. So basically, the clues Rachel finds build blocks back towards the night, and Megan's story builds blocks of stories forward. Both moving story and clues will meet on that night. The night where Megan was missing.   Recommended, peeps!
6 customer reviews Between 4−5 stars rating, 18 December 2017
Gripping. Yet, still predictable
By: Neil Amelina

I had a great time reading The Girl on Train. The book is indeed page-turning. Paula Hawkins certainly mastered how to keep her reader suspicious. Moreover, the way the stories being told by three main female characters had made The Girl on Train become more interesting and and enjoyable.

The Girl on Train was indeed predictable, I could still guess that the suspect surely was one of the leading characters. Nevertheles, the ending was still surprising.

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