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Strategic Human Resource Management

Paperback - 30 September 2014
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We live in an increasingly hyper-competitive global marketplace, where firms are fighting to stay lean and flexible in an effort to satisfy increasingly diverse and specialized consumer demand around the world. Additionally, with the shifting global economy in recent decades and the emergence of the technology and service-oriented knowledge organizations, how do organizations effectively foster a continuous learning and innovation culture, better motivate employees, and make sound organizational decisions? What can organizational leaders do to promote ongoing organizational agility that will have a measurable impact on increased firm effectiveness and employee productivity? How can organizations more successfully manage organizational knowledge to achieve strategic organizational goals and add value to all organizational stakeholders? These are just some of the pressing questions facing the organizations of today. Strategic Human Resource Management is a text that provides a comprehensive introduction to a broad range of HRM topics and explores the wide sweeping impacts for the modern workplace, presenting a wide range of cross-disciplinary research and business cases in an organized, clear, and accessible manner. Additionally, unlike other HR texts, this book has a strong strategic management focus coupled with a focus on ethical leadership. It will be informative to management academics and instructors, while also instructing organizational managers, leaders, and human resource development professionals of all types seeking to understand proven practices and methods to creating organizational systems and culture to promote ongoing organizational learning and innovation to drive firm effectiveness in an increasingly competitive global economy. This text was compiled, edited, and adapted from multiple open source textbooks and created under a Creative Commons License without attribution as requested by the work's original creator or licensee. For a free copy of the e-text, please visit

Customer Reviews

1 customer reviews Between 3−4 stars rating, 15 February 2022
Strategic HR Management
By: Dine Rostianti

In addition to academic purposes, this book is intended for business practitioners. The contents of this book discuss about The Role of HR, Developing & Implementing Strategic HRM Plans, Diversity & Multiculturalism, Recruitment, Selection, Compensation & Benefits, Retention & Motivation, Training & Development, Successful Employee Communication, Managing Employee Performance, Employee Assessment, Working with Labor Unions, Safety & Health at Work, International HRM, and Leading an Ethical Organization. Each chapter generally includes Learning Objectives, Key Takeaways, Exercises, HR Recall, sample questions in case form, Fortune 500 focus, Chapter Summary, and Team Activities. Unfortunately, the layout of this book consists of two columns per page, and in black and white, so that some of the writing on the diagrams is not clearly legible.

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