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22 Walks in Bangkok: Exploring the City's Historic Back Lanes and Byways

Paperback - 18 February 2014
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Take a series of unforgettable strolls down the back lanes of historic Bangkok

Bangkok, Thailand is one of the world's greatest cities and a leading tourist destination, visited by millions each year. But it can also be a bewildering place. First-time visitors, not knowing what to expect, encounter endless boulevards connected by a vast maze of tiny side streets. A stroll down any of these lanes can reveal fascinating surprises--beautiful palaces and mansions, shophouses and shrines, restaurants and markets.

This user-friendly Thailand travel guide helps you discover hidden gems found throughout the city by presenting each neighborhood as a distinct village--explaining how it evolved, and describing its historical landmarks in detail. Travel book author Ken Barrett is a long-time Bangkok resident and experienced journalist, and he introduces the important temples, churches, shrines and mosques in loving detail, sketching their history and distinctive features. The reader is skillfully guided through the old neighborhoods of Bangkok from the center to the periphery, along narrow lanes and byways rarely seen by foreigners.

22 Walks in Bangkok leads the visitor on a unique journey of discovery and enables you to appreciate this fascinating city in new and exciting ways.

Customer Reviews

17 customer reviews Between 3−4 stars rating, 15 January 2018
Mengeksplorasi (sejarah) Bangkok....
By: Mira Amaliah

Walaupun sudah cukup sering ke Bangkok, dengan membaca buku ini membuat kita merasa semakin tidak banyak mengetahui tentang Bangkok, khususnya sejarahnya. Cocok untuk yang menyukai sejarah.

17 customer reviews Between 4−5 stars rating, 23 January 2015
The metamorphosis of Bangkok
By: Sumet Jumsai
The metamorphosis of Bangkok from a water town to an overland city in less than three generations left behind a trail of the unexpected and undecided in the urban fabric. Strolling in and out of the alleys of Bangkok with Kenneth Barrett will reveal the unlikely and the co-existence of the opposite in the built forms and lifestyle of the inhabitants.—Sumet Jumsai, architect
17 customer reviews Between 4−5 stars rating, 23 January 2015
A long walk in sweltering Bangkok
By: Vijay Verghese
A long walk in sweltering Bangkok would appear a daft proposition, fit only for mad dogs and Englishmen. And it has taken a knowledgeable and persevering Englishman to piece together not one but 22 splendidly labyrinthine strolls littered with the sort of historical trivia that brings the city's backstreets to life. Barrett's investment in shoe leather has clearly paid off.—Vijay Verghese, editor,
17 customer reviews Between 4−5 stars rating, 23 January 2015
messy Bangkok
By: Jerry Hopkins
My journalism thesis at university was an attempt to define New York as a multitude of neighborhoods in search of a city. Kenneth Barrett has topped me in doing the same thing for messy Bangkok, a vast sprawl of unfocused energy I had always, until now, considered unwalkable. It takes a photographer's eye to see all that he's found and a writer's skill to share it so engagingly.—Jerry Hopkins, author, Romancing the East
17 customer reviews Between 4−5 stars rating, 15 January 2015
Barret has spent years delving into the history
Barrett has been meticulous with his research and has spent years delving into the history and provenance of his subjects. The book grew out of a very successful series of articles in a now-defunct local magazine and with much cajoling the author went back and fleshed out the information, taking a series of excellent photographs. With exotic chapter headings such as Money Town and The Old Harbour, the reader is drawn into an almost crepuscular underworld that lies a milimetre below the surface of modern Bangkok. The phonetic spellings of old Thai names, mixed with Chinese and a polyglot of other languages makes the text a meal in itself.
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