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Gray, Claudia(Author)
Gray, Claudia(Author)
Gray, Claudia(Author)
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Customer Reviews

2 customer reviews Between 2−3 stars rating, 10 March 2014
Expect the Unexpected

The Evernight series have been a roller coaster ride. Started when Bianca found out that she's not an actual full fledged vampire, even though both of her parents are, and she's living in the Evernight Academy. A school for vampires all over the states. Don't forget her starcrossed lover, a vampire hunter named Lucas.

Bianca's journey to find out who she really is how she paved her destiny was writen through book 1-3. Yes, Afterlife is the last installment for the Evernight series. However, if you expect the regular happy-ending with some twist along the way. You're greatly mistaken. Claudia Gray added many twists and surprises even in this last book.... See More

You'll find some new facts that probably never crossed your mind. 

Bianca has become a wraith while Lucas is a vampire. Two very opposing entities for all eternity. Sure they have endured the chase and all obstacles. But how are they going to be together when everything is at stake. Bianca's parents, her old life, as well as Lucas'. We can't just bury the past, can we?

Afterlife is like a perfect dessert after a heavy meal. A perfect slice of tiramisu, or a bowl of panna cota. Light enough but not too sweet that make your tooth ache. 

2 customer reviews Between 2−3 stars rating, 06 March 2014
Akhir untuk Lucas
By: Orinthia Lee

Saya suka sekali dengan seri Evernight, dari buku 1 sampai 3, dan saya sangat menunggu buku ini terbit. Sayangnya, buku terakhir seri ini nggak begitu memuaskan buat saya terutama ending yang diberikan untuk Lucas. Yah, ini preferensi pribadi aja, tiap orang punya selera beda-beda. Meskipun begitu, Gray berhasil menarik pembacanya memasuki kisah cinta terlarang yang luar biasa dan saya tetap bisa menikmati buku ini di luar dari momen-momen yang agak membuat saya mengerutkan kening. Sayangnya tokoh Bianca nggak terlalu likeable, tapi tokoh-tokoh lain seperti Vic, Ranulf, dan Balthazar... saya suka banget! Mereka barangkali bisa jadi calon book boyfriend of the year versi... See More


Secara keseluruhan, Afterlife ini buku yang enak untuk dibaca dan mudah dinikmati. Kalau Anda suka dengan Vic, Ranulf, Balthazar, setidaknya saat baca buku ini Anda akan tersenyum sesekali.

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