Want to triple your income? It doesn't matter if you own your business, work for someone, work on commission, or are an entrepreneur and want to improve your income... This "how to" book compiles nine proven principles into one book to go beyond just making more money. Applying the nine principles of success will motivate you, give you the burning desire to succeed, to break out of the box, and help you grow financially beyond your wildest dreams. This is an intelligent, easy-to-follow system for finding new opportunities through innovative and strategic thinking to unlock your personal and business potential. It will help you crack the code to gain an unfair advantage on how to triple your income. You will learn the principles on how to: Unlock your own potential Separate yourself from the crowd Wow everyone Question your beliefs to innovate Strategies to grow exponentially Wake up every morning richer than the night before Close more sales, more often at higher prices Workbook to apply the above seven laws