A recent study showed that 95% of executives think they understand everything they need to know about their behavior and emotions. In reality, the number of business leaders who are self-aware of their emotions and behavior is 10-15%. And that's a problem because being emotionally intelligent enables you to learn from mistakes and grow. And growth is key for anyone running a business. Entrepreneur Voices on Emotional Intelligence will help readers develop their self-awareness by identifying the traits and signs of entrepreneurs who possess a healthy dose. They'll read insights from Travis Bradberry, the E.I. Guy Harvey Deutschendorf, and BNI founder Dr. Ivan Misner and learn about:
The importance of understanding your strengths and weaknesses
How to nurture healthy and trusting relationships with coworkers
Believing in themselves and being a good judge of character On the flip side, readers will also learn about the habits of the woefully unself-aware. People who hold grudges, can't let go of mistakes and have no idea what their triggers are and how to regulate them so that they land in the 10-15% bracket and less in the 80% who are lying to themselves.