Between 2−3 stars rating, 30 July 2018 Kinda like it but still not better than the first
By: Almeyda Tara
First thing first, I should say that yes I fall for John Ambrose McClaren-I always love men named Ambrose. But still, really guys who don't have a little bit crush on him in this book? I know he's somewhat too perfect *cough*for Lara Jean*cough*, but he still got the sweet spot in me. Anyway, let's start ranting about this book.From the first few chapters of P.S.... See More I Still Love You, I already knew that I won't like it as much as the first one. Because...I already smelt theteen drama, the one with so many cheesy scenes and misunderstandings that I felt like it would happen a lot. And oops guess who is right after all. It doesn't mean I hate this book that much, I still like it, I do! Just not as much as the first one. Let me tell you my reasons.First, I didn't really feel captured by the storyline, like at all. It just seems like a plain story without any major plot or any plot twist in it. Umm, you said that what happened to Gen-I-can-not-spell-your-name-correctly was a plot twist? Nah uh gurls, I expected something more mindblowing rather than that dramatic turned out of the event. Second, no characters development. I can't really see this happened in here. When I thought Peter was going much much better in here (because he got a quite development back then) but turned out he's a real douchebag. I know, it's like his nature and I still love him you know. But at some point, I just can't. He's so annoying, especially when he wanted the necklace back but then he gave it back again and went on and on about ugh everything?? Geez, I hate you when you acted so childish and jealous over everything, Pete. Just promise me you won't disappoint me in the third book. Enough for the negative vibes, let's move on and talk about the good things.Of course, the first thing that I said in this is...I love Kitty, for the better or worse. Because she can be the sanest of them all, and don't forget the savageness (is that even a word?). I'd love to see her hanging around with Chris because they have a quite resemblance on their own.The other is the family vibes, the thing that I always love from this series. It's not much in here but they're just so sweet, encouraging and trusting each other decisions no matter what. I love them all especially Mr. Covey, he was trying his best to make the girls happy without any mother figure beside them.