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Paper Chase

Paperback - 16 April 2018
Reed, Honey (Author)
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Overcoming abuse, while being abused, is a difficult challenge because many times we are broken and confused about the trials of life. Pursuing the desires of our heart will present different paths, but by intelligently evaluating our circumstances you can learn to handle life's challenges and reach your destined success. My story, I hope, will help you to understand and overcome your challenges. Ask yourself, "What do we do when we take the wrong road and how do we achieve reaching our destiny? What happens when we don't love ourselves enough to change circumstances that are detrimental to our existence?" In Stacey Carson's world, financial stability, loyalty and independence equal success. Stacey always dreamed of a perfect life "happily married with children, owning a house, a dog and two cars" any means necessary. But, what cost would she pay to obtain what she considered success? Stacey was trapped in a cycle where almost every man she had ever known had either betrayed her or abused her. Her accomplishments of financial stability seem to have brought pain and anguish with them. The wounds of betrayal never healed, so Stacy traveled alone, down a road of distrust, shame and regret. The more she quenched her thirst for success, the more she lost and the less she loved herself. Her life was rattled with tragedy, pain and drama. How Stacey copes with and overcomes the vicious cycle will make you laugh, rejoice and cry.

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