The Three Mysterious Tales is a collection of Indonesian folktales and true events adapted for an English-speaking audience. It contains five unique dramatic and comedic stories, with similar stories combined to shorten the book to just three. The first story is based on real events about a mysterious well in an Indonesian village. The second story is based on an old Sunday newspaper article about a strange isolated event in Indonesia, the interviews of witnesses, and the sharing of the story by word of mouth. The second story combines two stories, a personal experience and a news article. The third story is based on different Indonesian legends from the times of the Majapahit Empire and the Sultanate of Mataram, also combining two stories. All the stories have some alterations in order for the stories to make sense to an English-speaking audience. The Three Mysterious Tales was written by Ricko Dupri Sample when he was 14 year old and was in his second year of his undergraduate education. He is an author, but also an actor, screenwriter, editor, and musician.
The Three Mysterious Tales was his
second book, written in 2018. His first book was Bigfoot Untold, another story based on true Indonesian encounters and also written in 2018.