Between 4−5 stars rating, 18 January 2018 An Important Read to All.
By: Ayundita Batari
I won't say this story is one of my top favourite for nothing. I got acquainted with this story when I was still in highschool. I have been re-reading it from time to time since and can only praise Harper Lee's brilliance in writing this story more each time. The book discusses a very important social issue that we still experience today and perhaps many many years to come, that is, the issue of discrimination. It's a very witty, heartwarming, timeless, and profound read, told from the point of view of a growing child. It's got a challenging writing style rich with the Southern American dialect. I enjoyed it very much. Also, I particularly love this book editionĀ because it has a beautiful yet simplistic cover and it has a compact size. Perfect! Everyone should read this. <3