Between 3−4 stars rating, 02 October 2014 Geek Girl, Are You?
By: Ratri Adityarani
Sometimes people misled the term 'geek'. Some people think that being a geek is like being a nerd. Well, not really. Geek is a term for someone whose really into something that he/she like or is expert in.
Harriet Manners in this "GeekGirl" book is a geek, and yet almost a nerd. She could tell a lot of things (mostly scientific things) ordinary people don't know or even realize. But what she didn't know and even realize, is that she was also an attractive girl that could make the most of herself. A model agent found her, and now it's time for harriet to find herself in the new world of modelling.
Of course she has to battle... See More
with a lot of things - like dealing with her bestfriend, her jealous enemy, and still have to manage to keep her chin up in front of her modelling associates. This is a whole new level of knowledge and experience for Harriet, which she has to struggle and keep herself together.
This simple novel is really interesting, especially for girls. We could simply imagine things around us - as if it happened on our neighborhood. Harriet is like your sister, your daughter, the girl next door that might need a little more attention. The book taught us to never underestimate what other people did, because we are not in their shoes. And in any circumstances, people must stay true to oneself, because being ourselves means being the best of what we are.